
Gynecology Consultation & Antenatal Check-up

Dr Osama Taha | Dr Mohamed Eid
450 AED Consultation with Ultrasound

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    Gynecology Consultation with Ultrasound 450 AED

    Menstrual disorders, recurrent miscarriage & sexually transmitted disease (STD’s)

    Polycystic ovary ( PCOS ) & screening and management of abnormal Pap Smear (CIN) & cancer of the reproductive organs.

    Premenopausal and Postmenopausal women. Laparotomy (Open): All major Obstetrics & Gynecological Procedure. Gynecological Ultrasound Doppler studies

    Reproductive Medicine Specialist

    What Is Regular Antenatal Check-up (ANC)?

    Antenatal Check-up is a necessary part of prenatal care that comes with regular prenatal visits with a physician to continuously monitor the health of both mother and child before birth.

    Who Should Undergo Regular ANC?

    All pregnant women are highly recommended to undergo antenatal check-ups throughout the full nine months of pregnancy. If you do not have a physician yet, you may consult a birthing center. Establishing your medical history as well as that of your baby’s will help alleviate health problems associated with pregnancy and giving birth. It also helps facilitate early detection of genetic disorders to improve opportunities for enhancing the health condition of your baby.

    What To Expect in the Gynecology Consultation

    Becoming pregnant will have to be one of the most fulfilling events in your life. If not properly and continuously monitored, your pregnancy may posehigh risks for both you and your baby.

    Below are just some of the things that you can expect during an ANC:.

    1. Your physician will monitor your weight, heart rate, as well as take note of signs that may put you at higher risk for preterm labor, including multiple pregnancy, pregnancy complications, conditions such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and other medical conditions.
    2. Your physician will also continuously monitor fetal development, decrease the likelihood of developing health problems, and improve your chances of delivering a healthy baby by monitoring key parameters during your antenatal check-ups.
    3. You may be prescribed certain supplements and medications depending on the results of your consultation.
    4. You may be required by your physician to undergo certain tests in between to validate your health and your baby’s health.
    5.  An antenatal check-up will rarely cause you any discomfort. Some prescribed exams that may bring mild discomfort are  pelvic exams and the use of transvaginal ultrasound.

    For More Information or to Get Started on Your Journey Today

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    Dr. Mohamed Osama Taha

    Dr. Mohamed Osama Taha

    Consultant "A" - Obstetrics & Gynaecology/IVF
    Dr.  Gomathy Nachimuthu

    Dr. Gomathy Nachimuthu

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