What Is Cervical Cerclage?

Cervical Cerclage addresses cervical incompetence or, the inability of a woman’s cervix to support the growing fetus usually due to a short cervix, causing the cervix to open and induce preterm labor. This procedure uses cervical stitches to keep the cervix closed and prevent premature birth.

Who Should Undergo Cervical Cerclage?

When significant changes to your cervix becomes apparent at approximately 12 to 14 weeks of gestation, your Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist may prescribe cerclage for preventing the cervix from opening up. Later than that, emergency cerclages may still be facilitated but, when cervical insufficiency is observed too late during pregnancy, the best option may have to be bed rest. Not all women who have a history of giving birth prematurely are good candidates for this procedure.

What To Expect

Cervical Cerclage is effective in preventing premature labor. However, diagnosis depends on your physician’s judgment and your history of pregnancy which can render your cervix to be incompetent.

Below are just some of the things you can expect before, during and after undergoing cervical cerclage

  1. Your physician will evaluate your risks against the risks associated with the procedure. Then, he or she will make a decision as to whether or not to continue with the procedure.
  2. You will be scheduled for the procedure. While most cases are handled as outpatient procedures, you may be required to be confined in a hospital in case your condition and that of your baby’s will need to be monitored more closely.
  3. During the procedure, you will be administered an epidural or, in some cases, a general anaesthesia. After which, your physician will make stitches around your cervix, raising your internal os and, sometimes, may even require raising your uterus as well.
  4. After the procedure, you will be monitored for premature contractions, which may include examining any possible leak in amniotic fluid. Immediate side effects include cramping and light bleeding. Sexual intercourse a week before and a week after the procedure is strongly discouraged.

Cervical Cerclage Cost:
The cost of this procedure will vary depending on complications and complexity.

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Dr. Mohamed Osama Taha

Dr. Mohamed Osama Taha

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Dr. Gomathy Nachimuthu


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